Sunday, June 21, 2009

Quick Note #3: I Changed My Username!!! (And stuff

Yeah, so my username now is Kaoru16

It's based off the character from Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995 Japanese Anime show featuring 3 psychologically disturbed teenagers battling to save humanity from monsters called "Angels) [PRETTY COOL, HUH?] Anyway, one of the characters is Kaoru Nagisa, who supposedly is very affectionate towards the main character, Shinji Ikari. He's so "affectionate" that there is still a debate whether their relationship was homosexual. Either way, he reminded me of myself since I'm a teen guy who kind of feels as he does (scroll down!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From Excerpt: Chapter 67 (Twisted Night) Okay, so this is pretty deep into the series. However, the basic gist you have to know is that Kaoru rooms with Shinji because they are coworkers, not because of their relationship. They are not friends, and since Kaoru is a bit awkward, it makes it hard for Shinji to like him. However, Kaoru really loves Shinji to the point where it is debated whether he is gay or not. In this scene, something occurs while Kaoru and Shinji are sleeping......................(and btw, they are not sleeping cause they're a couple; they only have one bed in their room.) Loading... media Loading... media Loading... media Loading... media Loading... media Loading... media Loading... media Loading... media Loading... media Loading... media LATER ON........ CHAPTER 68: Entangled Loading... media Loading... media Loading... media Heartbroken.jpg Heartbroken image by AD5_02I'm heartbroken...............