Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 20: Rainy Trip to Chicago

Day 20: Rainy Trip to Chicago

My trip to Chicago sucked big time. And not because it rained the most it had the whole year. My parents, along with my sisters, were in "douche" mode and would not get out of it. They were complete asses the whole trip and honestly, I don't know why their personality is so often like this. I had just got picked up from volunteering somewhere for Earth Week, and during the day I had picked up a lot of free gifts. So when I got on the car, I was ecstatic to show them to my older sister. I displayed my Earth shirt, my waterbottle, my collection of assorted trinkets, and she started to get jealous. REALLY bitter and jealous. Like "Oh, that just looks that any other shirt" or "I could get that anywhere" and shit like that to make herself feel how wasted my time was. She just can't stand anyone getting things that look nice and that she doesn't have. And then my dad was being a complete arse by telling everyone how useless it was to recycle. D: "So what'd you do at your volunteer?"Me: "Oh, I just helped promote Earth Week by teaching other's to recycle."D: "Why'd you do that?" Me: (WTF kind of question is that?) Well, it's good to recycle because you conserve a lot of the energy put into making raw materials. Blah blah blah....D: "Well, I think it's useless to recycle b/c it's really the big companies that are using most of the waste. I mean, sure I can recycle my paper once so often, but that's minimal compared to say, the amount of material a major corporation uses."Me: "But even though you're an individual, it still makes a difference."D: "I don't think so....I think what you're doing is making a small difference. (Okay, thanks for sharing your positive insight.) It's kind of funny how you spent so much time here to teach others about something that really doesn't matter much. [chuckles to himself]...."That really got me PISSED off cause he always does this. He just says whatever bullshit there is to make you feel bad. He knows how passionate I am about environmental issues, but he never supports me. Always pulls some goddamn smart-alec answer on me to oppose something as innocent as.....recycling? WTF? Are you joking? He's always a turd who makes it his sincere life's goal to oppose anything you do. Fucking bastard.And then my mom just doesn't care. Like, that's as plain as it gets. SHE DOESN"T CARE. Nothing moves her, unless it's got something to do with money. She doesn't care if you spend a day volunteering, or go run a marathon, or get A's on your tests, nope. Doesn't really show interest or at least try to show interest to look like a nice mom. Everything revolves around monetary means: where to eat next to save money, how much to spend on today's shopping, blah blah blah....So when I told her about my day, she couldn't care less. She literally could not care less because she didn't care at all to begin with. Ouch.And then I had a bunch of mishaps in Chicago where a bunch of subtle things went bitter. Like how we were at the table in a restaurant, everyone started praying, and my dad starting mumbling how he "hoped I would be a nicer person." (BTW my dad loves praying for people when you're next to him. Next time you seem bitter or angry, ask him to pray for you to "take away your bitterness and jealousy and snobbiness.") Oh, but the single most annoying thing about the whole bunch is just how JUDGEMENTAL they are. And I honestly think it's because they think it's their given right to be this judgemental because they go to church. Let me explain... We came back home from Chicago. The DAY BEFORE, I recieved a letter from my teacher telling me how my family was housing two Ohio kids to room in our house. At first I'm like, "where'd this come from?", but then once we got back from the trip I asked my parents about this whole housing situation. Apparently, they decided a week ago to house kids from Ohio to room with us for a night because the group was on a tight budget and they didn't want to rent a motel for everyone. So I say, "Oh, well in the letter it says one of them is allergic to cats, so that might be a problem." (We have 2 cats.) And sure enough, my dad was there to get overdramatic, "Oh my God! Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me there was a girl allergic to cats? I just can't house her anymore......why didn't you tell me earlier?" Me: "Umm....well, I just got the letter yesterday...D: "Stop making excuses. It's your fault because you didn't tell me until tonight that they are allergic to cats." Me: "......................" (First off, I can't say anything back to him b/c when he's in "angry douche" mode, it can get a little rough. And second, you guys didn't even tell me we were housing people!?!?!?!? Furthermore, why didn't YOU GUYS check to see she was allergic to cats before you decided to house her? YOU guys were the ones who set up the goddamn housing! Yet, I'm supposed to be responsible for the client's allergies?!?!? Flat out bullshit, but oh well...." And then this has got to be the MOST ANNOYING PART OF MY DAY. The catalyst that spurred me to come onto this computer and bitch about my family. Basically, my whole family surrounded me and started berating me, cause like I said, they think it's their jobs to me judgemental.My LITTLE sister, who's in 7th grade, who doesn't make her own lunch, do her homework until 10 cause she' on facebook, who's lost a $2000 diamond ring in her life, comes up to me and says, "Oh, remember next time to tell us, okay? You need to make sure you do these things" in a very parental, authoritative voice. She's so annoying sometimes....And then my older sister who's the judgement queen in the house comes up to me, looking down at her nails, and says, "Oh, didn't you know there were going to be people at our house? (No, how the hell would I know that?) I hope those two girls don't get sick from our cats. You know, you should really try next time to be more responsible." I was seriously about to bite her fingers off. I just get uber-pissed off when people, especially family members, think it's their job to critique everyone. Don't get me wrong; judgement is fine in the right context. If someone repeatedly makes a mistake over and over and over....and over...., and they know it's wrong and don't change, then it's not necessarily bad to be judgemental. It just really gets to me when people value judgement over forgiveness and focus on EVERY fault you commit. This is the pin I pick at in my older sister; she thinks its her goddamn job to play judge and criticize those deemed "immoral." Her actions range from telling me how "irresponsible, bitter, selfish, lazy" I am to "I just hate how some girls in my school wear tight clothing. They should not be so selfish to other people's feelings." And once you really get to know a judgemental person (like my sister), you'll find out just how frustrating it is to live with them. To know that every fault you do is going to garner a "glancing of the eyes to the floor" or a "loud sigh" by some turds who have nothing better to do but watch you slip.As you can see, today was not a good day. And quite honestly, I'm tired of the whole ordeal. I'm tired of dealing with these people that I tolerate cause I don't bitch back, but at the same time I want to rip their fucking mouths off. These kinds of days are not uncommon, and I'm through. I don't like being so open to them anymore, cause all I get is a fist full of jealousy and sarcastic bitterness. God, you seriuosly think recycling is a waste of time? Go fuck yourself.