Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 17: Ups and Downs of March 6 for typical teenager

Day 17: Ups and Downs of March 6 for typical teenager UPS So my day started out great cause I got enough sleep (meaning 7 hours), which I barely ever get. I was feeling really really great. Then I went to school and in 3rd period, I was discussing with my friend about some plans over the weekend...btw, I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but 3rd period (Calculus) is my favorite class cause my teacher is about the nicest person ever. Time to blog about him... 3rd-Period Teacher So if there was ever a senior survey asking me who my "Most Influential Teacher" would be, it would definitely be this guy. Not only is he good at teaching, but he's incredibly kind-hearted. I'm not the typical teacher's pet kind of guy, nor am I well-liked by many of my teachers. Most high school teachers are in fact very neutral towards their students without getting into their affairs. I remember in elementary school where my teachers were always very friendly toward me. But now, they aren't that much...Idk. Anywhoo, my math teacher is about the nicest teacher I've ever had. He is always very polite towards you and actually looks at you when you talk to him (unlike my jackass band teacher) Yeah, but seriously, he's always there to help you with your homework and stuff and I guess what I really see in him is that he WANTS HIS STUDENTS TO LEARN!!! I don't know if I'm just crazy, but I feel as though there are two types of teachers. There are the teachers who care more about money than students, and then there are those who care about students more. My bio teacher is a classic example: although she isn't cold-hearted, she rarely tries to help a student out if they're struggling. And if you ask her a question, she gives the most brief explanation ever. It's annoying. I think I've been so accustomed to these kind of teachers for soo long that I'm now very happy to have my math teacher. He's a good teacher who has a good heart. And he has that vibe of being a "good person" if you know what I mean. It's just that feeling that you know someone is a nice, good person. Idk....maybe I'm crazy. -------------------------- Sorry to rant so long, but I really wanted to type about him because he's a person worth remembering in life. A lot of my mediocre and mean teachers are not worth remembering, but this one is. He's very special to me. To continue on my UPS..... No one in my family majorly pissed me off today. This is a huge plus since I don't get along with my family very much, so yay! I'm also happy cause I got to play my friend in Super Smash Brawl and I beat him 80% of the time.....(sorry for being such a geek.) He's a nice friend as well. I'm happy to see him.... DOWNS Remember "Andy", the guy I said I really liked? Tall handsome Caucasian guy? Ok, just to explain something so we're not on the wrong page, I don't suspect everyone I have a crush on is gay. I honestly don't just crush on some guy and think "oh he might be gay." Cause most of the time my "gaydar" (like high voice, gay lisp, walking pattern, etc) can usually rule out most guys as straight. Here's the note though: Andy's the first guy I feel as though might be gay. And I'm not just saying that cause I have a crush on him; he just has a lot of "hints" which are not major, but still suspicious. And to top it off, he's really really CUTE. And I'm sorry if you're straight and you feel awkward, I'm sorry. But, he really is extremely cute. And I wanted to note him particularly because he's my longest standing crush. I've had a crush on him for about 3 months, which is a long time for me. And I can't stop thinking about him! It's sooo unhealthy! It's not good for me to be lying in bed thinking about.... never mind. I think I'll just write more about this in the next blog....