Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 13: I'm here, just me and no one else

I hope no one feels offended by me writing, and I hope no one looks to me as the "representative of gay teenage America" because my blog name is "Gay_Teenager." Anyways, I'm a lousy "gay" person, so you really shouldn't be looking here for much insight about issues of homosexuality, GBLT rights, etc. Cause I'm not at all knowledgable about my sexuality. All I know is that I like guys, and life just kind of went on. Here I am just as I am: I'm just a weird 16-yr old gay junior. That's all there is to me. I'm not automatically a GBLT rights activist. I'm not automatically a genius at GBLT history. I'm not automatically gonna know all the songs by Madonna or have a great fashion sense. I'm That's as plain as I can get. I'm just me: everything you know about me is on this blog. You can't assume anything about me, I'm not super special or super cool or super whatever. I'm merely here as I am, a gay adolescent teenage guy. Sorry for being such a loser and writing a bunch of this crap, but I felt like it was important to write. I want people to see me in plain view with both their eyes rather than using a camera to distort my picture. If you get that analogy, then you're golden. =)