Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 14: I Hate Heterosexuals? WTF?

Day 14: I Hate Heterosexuals?? WTF? So, yeah, I actually wouldn't have written this entry, but since nothing interesting happened today, I guess I'll just write about it now. ------------------ I've been getting notes where people seem to get really offended by what I say, and some people are even leaving me links to porn sites!!! AHHHHH!!!@#!@#! But, yeah, apparently I've been getting notes like.... "The issue is not where you are supposed to be some kind of spokesperson or not. The issue is that you are laying a lot of hate at the feet of heterosexuals while saying "Don't hate me because I'm gay". The issue is attitude. Prejudice works both ways, kid. " I love it when people distort your whole view: as if I really ever did say "Don't hate me because I'm gay." All I said ( in case you didn't read) was that I don't want anyone to be disappointed in looking towards my life. That's all I meant, hence the title "I'm here, just me and no one else." AHHHHHH!!!!! How would this be promoting prejudice? Am I telling gay people to hate heterosexuals? In any of my writing, am I encouraging something as strong as hate against other people? So yeah, someone needs to get their brain checked. And something as ludicrous as I'm "laying a lot of hate at the feet of heterosexuals" is just bullshit. And to the people who've been reading my entries, they would know I have nothing against them. But, seriously, I really don't hate heterosexuals. Most of my friends are straight and most of my idols in life are straight. And it's not like I have anything against them: the only thing I said was that in our society, heterosexuals are not fully accepting of gays. That's about all I said, and even that statement is pretty unbiased cause it's true. People fail to realize that in some countries, homosexuality is punishable by death, so yeah to all those people who said "Gays are actually very accepted in society." Not unless you live in San Francisco or some big metropolitan area. There are still a lot of conservative people out there who disapprove of our lifestyle. My point is, though, is that I don't hate them. I really really don't. All I stated was that in a society it is hard to gain acceptance, a statement that is pretty true. And if someone wants to leave me a note, please at least make it honest, cause I like a good reputation just like any other person who takes time to start a diary. BTW, it seems all the nasty comments are left by unsigned funny......which makes me wonder: do any of you disable the "unsigned notes"? Cause all I've been getting are extremely rude or sexual-charged notes left by a bunch of ppl I can't reply to. And I don't want to block out any person who isn't on opendiary and honestly just wants to leave me a note. But, it seems there are a lot of negativities coming from unsigned notes.......Idk But This Reminds Me... Yet the person who left this note was really funny because he/she reminded me of the end of the Animaniacs clip, where at the end, the line goes "The next president to lead the way well it just might be yourself one day then the press will distort everything you say so jump in your plane and fly away!" It's really funny and you should watch it!