Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 30: My Cousins Came Over!!!

My Cousins Came Over!!! ------------------------------------------------------- So my cousins from Southeast Asia came over two days ago!!! I don't know their English names, so I'll just call them "Buo-yu" and "Yen-Lu" which is what their Chinese names sound like. Buo-yu is 11. The last time I saw him was when he was 8, and no offence, but I never really liked him. Maybe cause he was a little kid and kind of annoying. He was also a bit spoiled, too. Well, now I like him a lot better. He's definitely a lot more mature, although he's still very young compared to me. It's sad because I don't have any cousins who are anywhere near my age range; they're either 5+ years older or younger than me. He's nice, though. Yen-Lu is 24...25? She used to have black hair and have very Asian glasses (not to stereotype, but...) and she always looked very smart. Now, her hair's golden and she wears contacts. She's gotten a lot prettier, to the point where if I were a straight guy I'd think she was cute, but never mind that. She's also very nice and laughs a lot, which I guess adds to her charm. I like being around her. I actually really like both of them! Well, they came over on Thursday, and I basically showed them the basement, which they really like. We played the multiplayer Spongebob game on the PS2. And we played Brawl together. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Screw U, I'm Wearing that Headband

OHHHH!! That day, we also went to the mall. But, something kind of weird happened. We went into this one store which sold all these girly trinkets and such, like sparkly bracelets and headbeads, etc. And I put on this pink bracelet as a joke, but then Yen-Lu said not to put it on. I asked her why, and she said, "It makes you look gay." That kind of hurt, cause I guess she saw it as a negativity to be gay. But oh well, she's really nice.
Well, my sisters, my mom, and Yen-Lu spent a lot of time looking around. 2 minutes soon turned into 30 minutes, to the point where nearly everyone but my mom and my sisters were just standing around. So I decided to try on this green headband just for fun. It looked pretty good on me, honestly, cause it made my hair spike up halfway up my scalp. My sisters laughed, and Yen-Lu gave me this really cute chuckle when I wore it. She was really interested and told me to try on other ones. My mom laughed a lot too, and then she said jokingly, "What's wrong with you? That's for girls!"
Now, I'm not what people label a "flammer." (I don't like labels in the first place.) I'm well aware I don't fit into every mold that embodies a typical masculine person, but just cause I like other guys doesn't mean I'm a girl.
But, here's the thing: I don't like it how society has these labels. Cause now, since every looks at me and says, "Oh, he a guy", not I can't do stuff like wear colorful bracelets or carry around bags or anything "effeminate." I mean, I'm not going so extreme as to wearing woman's clothing or wearing fake boobs, but come on?!? It's just a hairband! I hate these societal pressures we have to follow in order not to be shunned.
So.............I bought that hairband. I damn well bought that hairband! But, my mom said I had to promise to wear it, and not stuff it in a closet like some of my other clothes. I was really happy, cause now I could actually have an excuse for wearing it. (Yes!!!)
There's a shot of David Beckham with a headband, too...mmmmmmmmmmmm
Fish Eating Cabbage (The Zoo)
Well, then we went to the zoo downtown, which was very nice. While my parents were having a small arguement, I took this photo of these group of trees that just looked so nice. They were often do you see such beauty in nature. I mean, truly, nature is almost always beautiful! But, it's actually taking the time to stop for 5 minutes and look around you, and actually remember what you're looking at, that is really so rare. I love this picture............
Then we went to eat at a Vietnamese noodle shop, which was delicious!!! I took a picture of the food here, along with a mint tree I put in my water cup. Everyone around me was staring at me, but I didn't really care cause I'm pretty sure they'd think this was also the most awesomest thing they've ever seen in a restaurant.
Well, today I spent a lot of time just playing video games with Buo-re cause he loves video games. And Yen-Lu also came to join us, which was very enjoyable cause it's so nice to play with her! At night, we watched Bride Wars, which btw is a huge downgrade from 27 Dresses. That movie was so much better, and James Marsden was way hotter than the guys in Bride Wars. Oh I'm typing up this blog! I'll soon go to sleep in my relaxing icy-cool bed, so until then...GOOD Night!