Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 27: Starting Over (Father's Day)

Day 27: Starting Over (Father's Day) Just a quick, last minute (11: 50 P.M.) shout-out to all the dads out there. Thanks for being good parents. Um....and thanks to my own dad for being my dad for all my life. Although we've had our up and downs, very deep down I can say that I'm grateful for his prescence in my life. I actually made him breakfast which consisted of peach yogurt, baby carrots, and a plum. He was very happy, so I'm glad. Our family then went to church; the service was okay, assuming it wasn't really all too "religious", but had more to do with Father's Day in general. It was still a good service though, and I especially liked it when my pastor talked about how it was important for a father and son to bond. My pastor's son went on a boat trip around the world for two years. When he came back, his father interviewed him about his experience, but most importantly he wanted to express his deep longing for his son after so many months. I thought it was a very good video, and at the end he gave a small speech. He said that some fathers don't get along with their sons very much, sometimes the father screwed up a child's life, but no matter what they did in the past, it was NEVER too late to rekindle the relationship. It was never too late to start over fresh and begin a relationship from the start again. I think the main thing I got out of that church service was the fact that a good father is one with the right attitude. You know, some fathers start off as drunks and abusers. They hit their kids too hard or beat their wives too much. Or maybe they were too demanding in their children's sports/academics, or maybe just never took their kid out for a baseball game. They spent more time on the computer than they did spending time with their kids. Whatever the reason, there are a lot of things people can do wrong as parents. But no matter how much you fucked up people's lives, what matters is the present. What matters is that right NOW, at this exact fucking moment, you have a right attitude towards your children. Screw everything that happened 10 years ago or a month ago; that time is gone. What matters is that in this moment, you're willing to love your kids. I think that's what matters the most. And I also think that's what keeps some parents from loving their kids. They think they screwed up so much in the past that they won't make shit difference now. But that's was never true. As a dad, all you got to do is start over that relationship that was broken. Just start over, but do it NOW. And if you're relationship is moving, if it's pretty good, well, keep maintaining it. I'm glad I've been talking to my dad again ever since Thursday's incident. Ever since my fight with him, I hadn't been talking to him. At one point, I even thought it would be cool if I didn't talk to him for a full week, just cause it's never happened before. Well, I'm glad the ice was broken. Someone had to shatter the silence between us, and I'm glad it was my dad this time. I'm glad we had a chance to "start over." Thanks for being there for me