Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 1: Nearly Everything About Myself, Except One Thing....

----------------------------------------------------- HELLO, MY NAME IS.... Hello everyone. My name is "Chase" (nickname for this website.) So you can call me Chase. Pleased to meet you all. I'm 16 year old American and I am a High School Junior. ----------------------------------- PERSONALITY I'm quiet: I don't really talk much in class, and I usually don't talk to people first. It's hard for me to find something to talk about with other people. I'm Shy: Yep, pretty much goes with above. I oddly don't like meeting new people, not because I don't like them. It's just I get uncomfortable at times. I'm Ambitious: I like this trait. If there's one thing positive I can say about myself, it's that I'm ambitious. I'm determined in what I want to do, I study hard, and I'm not ashamed of it! I'm Optimistic: I like wishing for the best. I know that sounds clich'e, but I really think it's better to be optimistic than pessimistic. I'm Terribly Lovestuck All the Time!!!: I get feelings of pure romance everyday!!! AHHHH HORMONES!!! THEY SUCK~! But seriously, if you ever see a quiet guy/girl in class, don't assume their asexual. While they might not be horny 24/7, they can definitely develop crushes. Which I honestly hate...(I'll post about this later) More... Yeah, I'm your typical quiet, work-hard type of guy with a lot of ambition. When I was young, I drempt I would be the guy would found the cure for cancer. Even today, I have silly dreams about being a rockstar like John Rzeznik or being a humanitarian like Gandhi. It's crazy. My mind is crazy. That's the best way to describe me. On one side, I'm a closed door; quiet, secluded, calm, conservative. On the other, I'm a maniac; ambitious, dreamer, and lovestuck. ------------------------------------------------------------- HOBBIES I Run: I like to run A LOT! It's probably my favorite physical activity, and I'm not too slow either. I Swim: I used to swim for my high school swim team, and I was pretty good at it (not to brag, sry.) I was one of the best fresh/soph swimmers when I started, but then I quit Junior year, because the practices doubled, leading me to come in at 4 in the MORNING! WTF? So I quit; my parents refused to drive me. I play Clarinet: I'm in my high school band and I'm decent. Not the best, not the worst. One things for sure; I really don't enjoy playing clarinet that much.... I Study: It's become such a big part of my life that it's now a hobby. Yes, I study a lot. Like 2-3 hours a day, not cause I choose to though!!! It's because I have so much frickin' homework I Write: Yeah, I like writing....okay I Read: I read anything fantasy. Philip Pullman's Dark Materials, C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, the Wizard of Oz, all those moralistic fairy tales, yep. I love them More... I really don't have much of a life, quite honestly. My life is really centered around school, which is study and track and socializing.



1. Where I Was Born: I was born in the United States.........Illinois.

2. Nationality: I went back and deleted this cause I didn't want anyone to read my blog selectively; I felt that would be for the wrong reasons.

3. Siblings: I have two sisters

4. Random Fact: I'm one of those people who likes winning no matter what. I hate it when I lose my swim meets, or lose against my friend at a video game. Yeah, I'm extremely conceited. Sry

5. First Gay Crush: My first gay crush was on this guy in my 8th grade math class. Previous to that, I HAD NO feelings for guys. Yeah, he was the typical Caucasian jock; tall, handsome, extremely handsome, and I remember saying to myself "He's really cute", which confused me at the time (I'll write about this latr)

6. What I Used to Do ALL DAY: When I grew up from 3rd to 5th grade, I used to play with my friends EVERYDAY in the summer. No Joke. No exaggeration. I'm dead serious. I would literally go to one of my friends house at 9 AM and return home at 8 PM. It was crazy; we're still pretty good friends, but times have changed a bit, so.....

7. Looking Up A Girls Dress Is Rude: When I was young, I used to look under the dresses of the girls in my kindergarten class. It was soo weird when I saw it on my home video tape.

8. English is the Best: My favorite subject is English, probably because that's the most loose class. You pretty much sit back and talk about highly philosophical or highly ridiculous things.

9. I Love Winning in Sports: My happiest moments were in sports, when I won my swim meet and placed high in my cross country meet.

10. One of the Reasons I Like Guys: This is very weird, and one of the reasons why I started this anyway. I discovered masturbation at a young age....maybe 6th grade (which I deeply regret, cause I honestly think masturbation messed me up in my sexual development during my teen years.)

So anyway...I remember going to this one website with two folders. One had a bunch of naked women and one had a bunch of naked men. I remember I always picked the folder with the naked women and jacked off to them.

HOWEVER, beginning 8th grade, I remember clicking gradually to the folder with the men and jacking off to them. To make a long story short, I think what honestly happened was a horny little kid (me) got curious about what naked men looked like, and by jacking off to them, I got attracted to them. Cause I never thought anything about guys before 7th grade....weird.

11. Unhappy Family, Unhappy Child: I grew up a very happy child, mainly cause I had an extremely strong social group. I had the two best friends in the world, who were with me side by side not matter what. But as I grew older, times changed, I got really busy with school, so basically school pushed my friends/social time out of the picture.

Because of this, I began to spend more time with my family. Yet my parents are not the best parents in the world (nor are they the worst), and so basically I went through I period of my life where I felt extremely depressed because I felt like my parents didn't love me. Looking back, I acknowledge that they really didn't put me first in front of them, but neither was I perfect. I went through some trouble waters, though, during my middle school years. Which might have been one of the reasons I found comfort in masturbation

12. My Aunt is One of My Favorite People: I love my aunt. It's kind of random, I know, but she was truly one of the only people in my life to ALWAYS show a compassionate heart. She is soooooooooooo nice; I definitely have to blog about her.

13. How I Lost My Self-Esteem:

So basically, I grew up in a highly intellectual environment. I was always considered an extremely bright child in math, but also extremely poor in English. ( I think my math scores were ranked 99% nationally, yet my reading was once ranked 45%) (YIKES!)

Well, in seventh grade, a new policy ensued where a student had to be good in math AND reading to be enrolled in the extended courses. Therefore, in 7th grade, I was KICKED OUT of the extended program, where most of my friends were. It hurt like shit; I remember crying my eyes out in seventh grade when I got moved into an average-level English class.

I lost a part of myself during that year. That is the darkest year of my life; when I felt like my parents didn't love me, when I fell in love with a guy in my class, when I lost a lot of my friends from being transferred from classes.

That is why I suddenly became extremely quiet and introverted. I used to be a happy child. There's no denying I was energetic and joyful when I was young. But a lot of me changed when the pain started to hit. I'll definitely write about this later.


TouteEnsemble said...

Hi Chase,

You're an interesting read. It's definitely appeasing to gather that others have similar personality types and experiences regarding their sexual development chock full of its confusing moments. I'll stick around.
